Identifies ecological constraints
Early identification of the presence of important habitats, species or designated sites which could be affected can avoid additional costs and delays later on.
Identifies opportunities for biodiversity enhancement
LPAs are required by law to have regard to their biodiversity duty when determining planning applications. Identifying features of a site which can be retained/managed to improve their value can help ensure the proposal is received favourably.
Identifies any further survey requirements
PEA identifies the presence of, or potential for protected/priority species and habitats. Where these are reasonably likely to be present, and would be affected, they are a material consideration for the LPA. Further surveys will be required before an application can be determined. Many surveys can only be undertaken during a particular period so identifying their need avoids unnecessary programme delays.
Identifies likely mitigation requirements
Where significant ecological impacts are likely to result, PEA can identify outline mitigation measures which could affect the programme, design or quantum of development.
PEA comprises a desk study, including a records search and an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey. The output is a report with a plan showing the habitats and features on site, and sometimes adjacent to site. PEA can be undertaken at any time of year. Undertaking PEA during autumn/winter can save valuable time for developments proposed for the following year.
If a proposal is unlikely to result in significant impacts the PEA may be sufficient for planning. Where further surveys are required, the PEA forms the basis for a more detailed Ecological Impact Assessment. PEA is a useful tool for developers entering into discussions with the LPA.
For more information, or to discuss your requirements call Simon Holden MCIEEM
Office: 0161 975 6088,
Mobile: 07841 774 998
Planning Authorities generally require an assessment of the potential ecological effects of a proposed development. Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is usually the first step of this process and serves several important functions: