Site Investigation and Sonic Drilling Boreholes in Guildford
Earth Environmental & Geotechnical complete Site Investigation for a wide range of clients throughout the UK. We provide a national service delivered by local offices, run by technically proficient staff with a strong business acumen.
All site investigations are conducted in accordance with strict and well-defined health and safety practices with site specific method statements and risk assessments provided. Prior to commencement on-site service (gas sewers, electricity etc.) information is acquired from the client (or its agents) with utility tracing conducted, if required.
Earth Environmental & Geotechnical Regional Office South was commissioned to complete a Site Investigation in Guildford which led to Rotary Sonic Drilling Borehole Investigations.
Rotary Sonic Investigation Guildford
Earth Environmental & Geotechnical (Southern) Ltd was commissioned to undertake ground investigation works to support the investigation, design, and reconstruction of a roadway and bridge embankment which had suffered significant subsidence due to badger activity.
Working on behalf of the local council and their designers, Earth Environmental & Geotechnical (Southern) Ltd helped design and completed the ground investigation which not only provided the detailed geotechnical information needed to inform the redesign of the failed roadway and embankment but also ensured no damage was caused to the already unstable roadway and embankment.
Given the anticipated ground conditions (reworked sands and gravel over mudstone) the client had initially specified cable percussive boreholes be drilled, however after discussions with Earth Environmental & Geotechnical (Southern) Ltd, and considering the unstable nature of the site, it was concluded that a rotary sonic borehole technique would provide a less disruptive drilling process, whilst also keeping project timescales to the minimum.
Earth Environmental & Geotechnical (Southern) Ltd organised and supervised the drilling of four rotary sonic boreholes to maximum depths of 18m. High quality soil samples and insitu testing was completed and EEGSL provided factual and interpretative reports.
The works were completed successfully and within budget. The sonic drilling even ideated further unrecorded voids beneath site (something that the other drilling techniques would have likely missed).
The works culminated with the production of detailed factual and interpretative reports of the site investigations containing:
- Description of site history and surrounding environmental setting
- Preliminary and revised risk assessments for soil and ground gas contamination
- Details of all exploratory fieldworks undertaken
- Details of soil and groundwater conditions encountered
- Production of geotechnical design information.
The site investigation was supervised full time by experienced Earth Environmental Consultants and all fieldworks were carried out in accordance with BS 5930:2015 Code of Practice for Site Investigations.
What is Rotary Sonic Drilling Borehole Investigation?
Sonic drilling is an advanced soil penetration technique which uses high-frequency energy generated inside a sonic head. The rapidly vibrating sonic head advances downwards through a substrate. The intrusive method of sonic drilling is quick, clean, and has less of an impact on the surrounding environment than other drilling methods. If substrate samples are required in a sensitive environment or contaminated land Sonic Drilling provides a safe, clean method of Ground Investigation.
- Client: Confidential
- Location: Guildford
- Value: Confidential
- Activities: Site Investigation and Sonic Drilling Boreholes