Earth Environmental – June 2014 News
As a result of our busy workload we have recently engaged Jayne Carrick to assist with our expansion plans. Jayne is a very experienced environmental, remediation and sustainability specialist and is currently involved in a number of pre-acquisition geoenvironmental studies, site investigations, sustainability reports and wind farm projects.
Jayne is very familiar to the Directors having all previously worked together at another consultancy practice. Since this tenure she has gained an MSc qualification (with distinction) in Renewable Energy & Enterprise Management from Newcastle University. This is in addition to a PDip in Contaminated Land from the University of Greenwich and being a Qualified Prince 2 Project Manager.
We are very excited to be working with Jayne again and are currently in dialogue with a number of clients about the provision of Sustainability Reports in support of planning applications.
Other recent appointments include Stephen Marray, formerly of Atkins, who is busy providing technical fieldwork support services. Stephen is currently engaged on a number of projects where gas monitoring and groundwater sampling is required.
Planning Permission, Flitwick
Our client recently secured planning permission for a new cemetery site on a greenfield site. As a result of the environmental sensitivity of the site area we conducted several site investigations, groundwater quality monitoring and a detailed quantitative groundwater risk assessment.
Land Surveying & Earthworks Modelling Services
As a result of repeated requests from clients we now provide land surveying and earthworks modelling services. Topographic surveys are provided by our technical services team, led by Lee Fletcher. The team are also responsible for earthworks modelling by use of proprietary software.
The blend of engineering and surveying skills allows us to design cost effective remedial strategies for sites where cut/fill operations are routinely required.
Dam Investigation
We are currently on site conducting site investigations in relation to a small failed dam wall structure in Macclesfield. Our work involves in-situ and laboratory geotechnical testing to provide parameters for the design of remedial works.
USA Parent Company Internal Audit
A site investigation was triggered by the USA parent company of a Telford based manufacturing company which specialises in the design and manufacture of precision made parts, by use of very sophisticated CAD controlled plant. The parent company wanted to assess the potential impact of site operations on the local environment due to company environmental standards. The site investigation proved an absence of any soil or groundwater contamination.
Gas Holder, Oldham
Our services proved to be successful in securing the remediation of a former gasholder by a local civil engineering contractor. A former gasholder requires removal as part of the development of a wider area. A specification for the infilling of the gasholder demanded the use of virgin aggregates along with rigorous compaction control, despite the area not being built upon. We developed a Materials Management Plan in accordance with ta WRAP protocol which details the controls on the use of recycled crushed concrete from a nearby transfer station. Substantial financial savings have been identified as a result of this pragmatic solution.
Wind Turbine, Moray
At the request of the project managers we are currently involved in the design of foundations for a new Enercon wind turbine in Scotland. Site investigations have confirmed the presence of shallow phyllite bedrock with an uneven erosion surface requiring the importation of replacement material. Geotechnical testing has been undertaken to confirm the suitability of locally sourced replacement materials. Compaction testing including plate load bearing testing will be provided during earthwork operations.
Pension Fund Due Diligence Survey
A thriving Manchester based organisation is in the process of applying for planning permission for expansion of their factory complex. As part of the application a Phase I Desk Study was considered necessary to provide the regulators with an overview of the sites environmental setting and potential pollutant linkages.
The factory is the headquarters of an overhead power line lubricant manufacturing facility. Due to expansion plans and Director’s amending their shareholding a further objective of the work was to determine whether any contamination issues were associated with operational practices. One of the company Directors held the freehold of the site within a Pension Fund and therefore other investors required independent advice on historical pollution.
The site investigation proved an absence of any contamination associate with current operational practices with evidence of the legacy of steel manufacturing from a former site use. Weak alluvial deposits were also found associated with the former course of the River Irwell, implying the need for piled foundations.